Chapter I Airport An announcement has been made, 'the flight will arrive at its scheduled time'. Am anxious to see him. I'm eager to talk to him. I wanted to hear his voice. A friend who is everything to call as 'dost' I never used the word to call anyone else. I'm waiting... Flight arrived at scheduled time 0720. After waiting for about five minutes, I saw one guy with beard waved his hands towards me. Yes, He is my friend Vijay. His physique changed drastically and looking handsome with beard. But his feelings towards me remaining as before. He shouted from a distance. I might not identify him if he didn't call me by nickname. I woke up by alarm sound at 5.A.M. I got ready before 6 because am in hurry to meet my friend after a long time. He got settled in States. We met last time when we were in Bengaluru, 5 years ago. After that we were busy in making the life better. He went to U.S., to study M.S. and decided to settle there for decade. Even though I got few opportunities to go abroad, I denied all offers and remained in Bengaluru. He called me a week ago and told me that he want to meet me. We two are happy because meeting a best friend after nearly an half decade. Usually I won't wake up early as 5 o'clock. But today I got ready with an extra energy and am in joyous mood. I'm eager to see my friend's face, had lots of matters to talk; about our career, personal life and of course, gossips . Since there's no traffic in morning, I took only 20 minutes to reach the airport. My face broadened with joy and I started giggling. He walked towards me swiftly. And suddenly he gave me firm hug. Only the gesture is enough to understand how much he missed me. Someone invented the hug so that you don't need to have a single word. We were separated and stared at each other with a bright smile on faces. And he asked, "Hi, how are you my dear friend? You're still the same Sandy as how you were before." I blushed once again and said," Hmm. But you became too much handsome that I can't resist my eyes from staring at you." I forgot to ask how he is. Instead I started admiring his physique. Because I don't have such a charm. He turned towards me and said, "oh..! Really?" I just nodded my head in positive way. I didn't get how to continue conversation even though I have lots of questions in my mind. So I told him to wait for a minute and walked towards parking lot.